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The Breakthrough System To Sell Less And Make More
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Bridging The Marketing-Sales Divide To Create
A Marketing and Sales Continuous Improvement Loop
Are your salespeople talking to too many of the wrong prospects? Do they waste countless hours “overcoming objections” to “close” more buyers? No more. From sales and marketing gurus Emerson Brantley and Timothy R. Johnson comes S.O.L.D – The Breakthrough System to Sell Less And Make More–a proven way to transform your sales and marketing effectiveness allowing you the time to enjoy the benefits of a successful business.
With thousands of successful marketing campaigns under their belts, the industry-dubbed Marketing Pirate and King of Connections have joined forces to create a system that will invigorate, focus and transform all areas of your company’s sales and marketing.
Using the same strategies and tactics that gained them worldwide respect and off-the-graph results, readers of S.O.L.D. will discover Brantley and Johnson’s unique systems that will unite your sales and marketing teams under a crystal-clear Strategy.
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Then, using cutting-edge tactics your company’s message will begin to reach-more of the Ideal Prospects you want(and fewer of the ones you don’t want), for GREATER results with LESS effort or expense
If you’re tired of working long hours with disappointing results, it’s time to let your sales and marketing strategies do the hard work so you can Sell Less and Make More!
“There are many sales and marketing books, but this is more than just a book. This is a user’s manual, a how-to guide to transform your business and more… This is a must read book for every Entrepreneur!”
– Jeannie Levinson, Co-Founder; CEO, Guerrilla Marketing International