Hire Timothy Today!

If you are ready to level up your business, sales, or operations, Timothy R Johnson “slingshot” you in the next level.

Why Should You Hire A Coach?

All the best athletes, business people, and even coaches have coaches. One of the hardest things for any entrepreneur is to see past their own visions. Coaches help expand that vision and create accountability plans so you can realize that new vision.

Praise For Timothy R. Johnson?

Tim has helped businesses all over the world, here are just few kinds words from them!

Nic S

“I have learned more from him than any three people I’ve ever worked with. And I can honestly say that I count him among my best friends. And the way he connects is truly a marvel. Tim looks at the person, not the product, not the business, but as the person worth working with, and that in and of itself is a blessing, just to know.

Jase S

I brought him in to one of my events, and we’ve been kind of hitting a ceiling with our sales team helped me craft the event helped encourage me when I was getting a little bit in my head, help me go over the flow of the sales, craft some of the sales, and we smashed through that income barrier, did the highest sales than I think I’ve done in probably 10 years.

Ron H

I’ve never seen anybody that’s got a grasp of the sales presentation and has the connections that can help you get with other people to be able to move your product not only in the area where you live, but international and national why’s Tim Johnson is the man and he deserves six stars.

Sheila F

Tim is totally my go-to guy if there’s anything I ever need in the entire event business. If it’s speakers, if it’s sponsors, if it’s advice about something, or you know, closing the deal, mentorship, anything like that Tim is definitely your guy 100% trustworthy and you know what he’s really honest. He tells you as it is. And that’s what you want sometimes. Thank you.

Dustin M

If you’re looking for someone that can radically make an impact in your business in sales and systems and people then I highly recommend that you get on a call you go see Tim speak or whatever it is you can do to get into his world because he will light yourself up in a good way and it will remove that stress that you know that’s there and will help you take your business to the next level.

Dennis K

I’m actually in the seminar industry and I have been in business for over 20 years. And I just went with the global Renegade systems and I just went to a strategy session board meeting with Tim and he just took my business to the next level just in the short time we were together. So if you’re looking to grow your business you need to seek Tim Johnson

Maria M

It’s all really about working smarter, but he also points out things that maybe you didn’t even know that you didn’t know. So I definitely recommend working with Tim Johnson. He asks the right questions, and can definitely help you with either what you need to do different in your business, or who you need to know to make your business run smoother or go easier.

Rachel C

I’ve been working with Tim for about four or five months now, and I only have positive things to say about him. He has absolutely helped to change my life and I owe him so much for everything that he’s done for me. He is definitely the king of connections. So if you’re having any questions about whether to work with him, I would say definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely work with him.


He helps you with the connections that you need. He helps you with all of the different nuances that are going to help everything fall into place the way they should. And I’ll tell you what, if you want to work with the most wonderful strategist, business coach lining things up, sells oh my gosh sells genius. You got to work with Tim Johnson. So Tim, thank you. It’s been a wonderful couple of days spend with spent with you very, very well spent time thanks

Why Hire Timothy R Johnson?

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What To Expect Working With Timothy!

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Timothy R Johnson sitting at his desk

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Tim's Core Fundamentals

In order to “realize” the full potential of any business, you must develop and deeply understand these care fundamentals.

Habits Drive Results

Identifying and establishing the right habits in your business is the foundation for measurable results.

Profits Are Paramount

All business is math, when we identify the right math equation for your business, profits become predictable.

Leverage Is Required

Getting leverage comes from testing, tuning and tweaking in the sales, marketing and delivery processes.

Systems Drive Business

Once systems are optimized we commit to follow those systems with ruthless commitment.

When Will You See Results?

Shifts in thinking, strategy, tactics, and profit happen as quickly as you can execute the plans presented during an advisory coaching session. Tim will work with you to develop the shifts in the right places, however, time can not do the work for you. As many others have, With his guidance, you will see a measurable impact in your business, should you follow his advice.

Internal Shifts

The process starts with a shift in perceptions and what it possible with your business.

Strategy Shifts

Now that we have possibilities opened up, we can develop strategies to explore that vison.

Tactical Shifts

Your execution of the strategy will require tactical shifts to bring that vision to life.

Reality Shifts

After you execute and develop the right habits, your business will run like it never has before.

Ready Embrace The Business You Deserve?

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Hire Tim Today!

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